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Verdicts & Settlements

  • $156 million class action verdict on behalf of doctors defrauded by an insurance company.

  • $40 million recovered in a class action lawsuit for individuals financially defrauded by a major corporation

  • $30 million verdict for the parents of an infant who suffered damage due to hospital negligence.

  • $18 million recovered against a commuter rail service for victims who were injured and lost loved ones in a railroad disaster caused by negligent commuter line train operations.

  • $16 million verdict for corporation which was the victim of theft of their trade secrets.

  • $13 million recovered against a commuter rail service for victims who were injured and lost loved ones in a railroad disaster caused by a deranged felon who left a Jeep on the tracks and was later convicted of eleven counts of first degree murder and one count of arson.

  • $12 million verdict for a paraparetic victim of a truck vs. train collision where there were no lost wages and the plaintiff could walk with the assistance of a walker.

  • $12 million recovered in a class action lawsuit on behalf of pharmacists who were denied overtime pay by a major healthcare provider.

  • $12 million recovered in a products liability action for the wrongful death of middle-aged spouses due to defective recreational vehicle design.

  • $10 million verdict for an injured construction worker who fractured his hip due to the negligence of a general contractor.

  • More Jury Verdicts
The Best Lawyers in America Top 100 LA County Super Lawyers

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Attorneys at Ringler Law Corporation specialize in high value, highly sophisticated litigation in the areas of class actions, business torts and catastrophic personal injury and wrongful death. This practice is based in the Los Angeles region of Southern California but the firm routinely represents clients from all portions of the state as well.

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Ringler Law Corporation
2945 Townsgate Road
Suite 200       
Westlake Village, CA 91361
Tel: 805-719-4903
Email: jlr@ringlerlawcorp.com

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Los Angeles Fox11 News
Fox News interviews Jerome Ringler, lead counsel in the Metrolink collision cases, on the anniversary of the tragedy.
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The Law Business Insider

KBRT AM 740 - Legal Talk Radio: Exclusive co-host Jerome L. Ringler.